Saturday, April 27, 2013

Georges Lacombe

Marine bleue, Effet de vague

The Cliffs At Camaret, c.1892

A member of the Post-Impressionist group known as Les Nabis (the Prophets), Lacombe is better known as a sculptor. The Nabis emulated Gauguin, and sought to strengthen line, form  and design, things sometimes overly dissolved by the Impressionists.
The group were fond of the fields and coast of Brittany.
The influence of Japanese prints is obvious in Cliffs at Camaret, in particular.


  1. Exciting paintings. They seem to be more than landscapes - like they have a story beyond the forms depicted.

    Thanks for sharing them!

  2. Hi Kathleen. Yes, I think Lacombe and the other Nabis were into colour symbolism quite a bit. There's a very mysterious quality to these works. Beautiful colours too.

  3. Very nice oil painting . I like it . The effects and the theme of the painting is very nice . I just love that painting .
